The letters “VR” and “AI” combine to spell the word “VRAI” in French, which means “TRUE” or “REAL.”

So, “VRAI Sport” means “TRUE Sport” or “REAL Sport.” This is ironic because the “V” stands for “Virtual,” and the “A” stands for “Artificial,” which mean “Unreal” or “False.”

Be that as it may be, the meaning of VRAI Sport is important to us, because it goes to the heart of our intention, which is to provide the most authentic sports competition experience to the most people in the world, regardless of ability.

After all, this is the major change that we want to bring to the world, now and into the far future, as The Everyone Sport.

We believe that REAL Sport in the world must be available to everyone who can move and WANTS to participate.

INCLUSION is our reason for being, and we will always include EVERYONE.