In any new endeavour, it is critical to visualise the future in ways that are clear, powerful, and shareable. When we create anything seriously new, we are also creating a language about that thing.

That’s why words like “horsepower” exist, because we needed a way to describe the automobile in terms that recognised the horse, but also transcended it.

Of course, we have an overarching vision [below], whose words and images instantly convey what we are doing and where we are going.

This vision also perfectly describes our Value Proposition: what we will offer and why we should succeed.

But we have also developed images for critical elements of our future, that we begin to make real now, by naming them.

First, our key Value Proposition is “Enabling the Essence of Sport… Everywhere.”

To accomplish that, we have established the concept of “RoomSpace,” the two meter diameter circle in which competitive play can take place. This is also an optimal and reasonable space within the normal home in which Virtual Sports can be played.

This space is the new course, for instance, in “The New Tennis Universe” that our new virtual sport describes.

Within that space is another critical new definition: “The Virtual Backboard.” This emphasizes the importance of Solo play… the ability to practice and compete without a human partner.

These innovations create a new category of “Screen Time”, which has heretofore been defined in four categories: Gaming… Watching… Social Networking… and Reading. To these we now add… PLAYING.

In doing these things, Virtual Sport bridges the gulf between “Virtual” sport and “Real” sport. It is Virtual and it is Real.

Finally, Virtual Sport can be the catalyst to build – in concert with Facebook – the most important technological innovation of the modern Olympic Games: The Virtual Olympic Village, a 24/7/365 virtual and real gathering place for Olympians [and selected guests] of ALL sports… virtualisable or otherwise.

The Vision of Virtual Racquet Sport… An Example of Virtual Sport’s Core Value Proposition.


“The New Tennis Universe”

“The Virtual Backboard”

“The Fifth Category”

“Virtual… Real… NOW.”

The Virtual Olympic Village

The Virtual Olympic Village

With Facebook’s incredible Horizon virtual universe, we can be the catalyst for one of the most important innovations in Olympic history: the Virtual Olympic Village. If you haven’t seen the video, watch it now.

The Original Olympic Vision: Where It All Began… Where It All Can Go.

Baron Pierre de Coubertin established the Olympic Movement in the Olympic Manifesto in 1892. In it, he forecast two new features: that the future of athletics would be democratic and international. He was right about both.

And he expressed the hope that athletics would do even more for peace than technology, which had itself done more “than any treaty or diplomatic convention.”

He could never have imagined that his vision then would become even grander now, in the marriage of technology and athletics that we can bring to the world.