The trick is to partner with those who have already spent a packet on what matters to them, which now happens to matter to us, and to offer what we have built at great expense for years, because that now happens to matter to them,and to do these things  in as close to equal measure as possible.

To make each other more valuable, by our very co-existence in this new space. This is how Blue Oceans are created.

Partnership Matters.

Most of the investment and the risk that is normally associated with efforts like these are the game development costs and the risks of market acceptance.

Both of these are entirely avoided by developing a relationship with a developer partner that has already sunk the development costs and already has a successful game in the marketplace.

Partnership Matters.

We care as much about the cost impact on our users, because those users are not only our customers, they are our members… our players… our fans.

To use a hackneyed phrase, we want this to “go viral,” and the cost of customer acquisition is therefore critical. With that in mind, we have identified by far the most customer cost-effective solution available, and we are working to engage the very major player – Facebook – that has the same objective: to make virtual reality viral in the mainstream.

And we have also done something else. We have created an environment in which other virtual sport benefits from every sale of a Virtual Sport bundle, because the addition of additional sport is trivial for the consumer, whether or they plan to seriously compete in multiple sports.

Each Oculus Quest can do multiple sport duty:

So every sale of a Quest for one sport immediately lowers the customer’s threshold for entry into the next sport, and the next.

It doesn’t hurt, for instance, that the biggest-selling VR game in history is Beat Saber, an Oculus Quest game,and a Facebook company:

Of course, all of this is multiplied by the soon millions of people who are buying the Oculus Quest for so many other reasons:

No matter how good a strategy may be, if the timing is bad, that plan will fail.

Our timing is outrageously good.