The five forces that we reference in Environment are converging at a furious rate. They are the key enablers for our strategy, which is to transform a motion-controlled VR game into a sport, to offer that sport to the marketplace, and to leverage the acceptance of that sport in many directions.

One of the key factors in this process is our potential associations with the Olympics, which is a symbol that transcends any single sport and galvanises attention in all quarters of society.

Virtual Sport can and should GROW ORGANICALLY within existing sports infrastructures. This is what inspired our selection of a tree as our strategic symbol: With roots deep in the traditions and history of the virtualisable sports. With natural connections to the highways and byways of development and competition. With direct paths to the larger marketplace opportunities that grow out of acceptance and success.

Those larger marketplaces can also be available to us in ways that the esports model would frustrate. As Harley-Davidson, the harder-edged [and more expensive] motorcycle alternative was and is limited in main-stream acceptance, so is esports. And, as Honda, with its far more accessible and friendly offering, captured and dominated the broad market, so – especially with the rise of VR – can we, with Racket:Nx and other virtual sports.

Finally, the reason that we are in position to accomplish so much with so few resources  and so little effort is because we are at the meeting point of so many market and social forces much larger than us. This is the insight of our “Strategy In-Depth”.

Our power is not in our ability to apply brute force to this opportunity, but to catch the train than is already powering down the track.

Which presents us with an obvious promise: to define and dominate a new market space: Virtual Sport.

Strategic Dynamics

Virtual Sport Strategy

Core Social Strategy

Strategy In-Depth

The Grand Social Strategy

Our Approach

We believe in applying the great designer Raymond Loewy’s philosophy of implementation: bring the most advanced and most usable technology but propose and apply it in the most user acceptable way possible.